News and Events
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What’s on at Laxfield House

There are always fun events and happenings at Laxfield House! Visit this page often to see how our residents and staff have been enjoying themselves. If you would like to learn more about one of our past events or you have an idea for an event for our residents, please contact us today.

Congratulations, Laxfield House – 30 Years!

Owners Elizabeth and Nicholas Knight welcomed over 160 guests including patients, their families and others to a champagne reception and banquet style lunch, held in a splendid marquee on the lawn at Laxfield House to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. The Knight Family, Matron and staff all took very great pleasure in home catering, planning and waiting on the many guests, resulting in a very successful and memorable day for everyone present.

Celebrating 100!

Many, Many Congratulations and a very Happy Birthday to our latest Centurian!

Good Rating by CQC!

Following our CQC inspection on 11th September 2018 we are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a GOOD rating. Well done, everyone! You have all worked tremendously hard and it is well deserved – keep up the great work.
Care Quality Commission logo

Macmillian Coffee Morning 2018

Another successful coffee morning with an endless supply of delicious temptations for all. A total of £79.80 was raised at the event, but this sum was further increased by Laxfield House to a final sum of £200.00 ! Well done everyone on supporting this very worthwhile event – thank you for all your hard work.
The World's Biggest Coffee Morning graphic

There were many ghastly ghoulish goings on!

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